- First experiment is to run ruby script #1.
- Second experiment is "#2" link.
- 2/6/2010: Used Ruby 1.8.6 on Vista.
- 2/6/2010: Could not install selenium-webdriver on Mac. (PROBLEM) error-msg-mac
- 2/7/2010: Used ruby 1.8.7 on Ubuntu. Had to install 32-bit version of Chrome on Ubuntu.
- 2/7/2010: Rebuilt OpenSolaris in VirtualBox on Vista PC/done. Then installed ruby-dev,
SUNWjruby, SUNWruby18 (plus 37 other packages) (245.03 MB) using Package Manager.
Then I "su -" to root and ran "gem update --system". Still getting an error message when
I try to install "gem install selenium-webdriver". error-msg-link - Also found the following other reference related to some of the above errors.
- http://github.com/ffi/ffi/issuesearch?state=open&q=ffi#issue/30
- http://groups.google.com/group/watir-general/msg/867c2ee4b52ae1e5?pli=1
- http://pastie.org/pastes/713484
- Found reference to run "sudo port install libffi" on mac for missing ffi.h errors so
upgrade macports and then ran command for libffi-3.0.8 package. Downloaded
3.0.0 ftp package and ran "configure" and "make install" and got these errors. - Installed selenium-webdriver's dependencies independently (rack (1.1), json_pure (1.2), ffi (0.5.4), and rspec (1.3.0).
- Then installed selenium-webdriver (0.0.16) successfully and then watir-webdriver (0.0.1.dev5) successfully.
- Then try mac version as documented above in table.
- GIT location for watir-webdriver: http://github.com/jarib/watir-webdriver/issues
- Who else is working on watir-webdriver?
- Jari Bakken is the only one who's written code so far. Ċ½eljko Filipin has been very
helpful with testing, documenting and spreading the word.
- What google/yahoo e-groups do I plan to use?
- Use webdriver@googlegroups.com and selenium-dev lists.
Also the wtr-development@rubyforge.org list (on Rubyforge IIRC).
Then watir-general@googlegroups.com.
(only me) opensolaris-announce@opensolaris.org
- IDE being used by watir-webdriver developers: (was: Which IDE? Eclipse, Netbeans, Redmine, Intellij)
Jari usually prefers simple text editors over IDEs;
TextMate on OS X and emacs everywhere else.
If I were to pick an IDE, it would be RubyMine.
- What is the best way to communicate?
-- Google Talk, e-groups, email, twitter, IRC (sorted)
IRC (I'm in #watir on freenode), but you can also reach me on email or
GTalk. I've also had good experiences collaborating on open source
projects with Google Wave. - Research OpenSolaris contacts/old paperwork. (done)
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your
own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull). - Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
I would like to help out with watir-webdriver so I have been
setting up different environments (see Summary Wiki below) and
installing the software (selenium-webdriver and watir-webdriver).
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